Annual Reports

Annual Report 2023

Throughout 2023, SEED staff continued to provide life-saving services to survivors of violence and those at-risk, provide critical training to key government officials, and expand it’s scope to engage members of the judicial council on key subjects such as protection and human rights; and deliver technical assistance and policy recommendations on several new and existing legal frameworks that aim to increase the protection and uphold rights for the most vulnerable populations.

Annual Report 2022

In 2022, SEED remained committed to serving survivors of violence and those at-risk from across the Kurdistan Region; taking on new leadership as co-chair of the newly established GBV Sector Coordination Group, which was formed in response to the dismantlement of the UN-led cluster system. The year brought significant shifts in context, programming, and donor funding, following Iraq’s transition from a humanitarian to development context; all of which SEED was able to successfully contend with whilst still addressing the needs of the countries most vulnerable.

Annual Report 2021

The year 2021 brought continued uncertainty and renewed opportunity. With ongoing waves of COVID-19 requiring adaptive measures to ensure the safety and health of our staff and clients, and increasing political and security unrest in Iraq, SEED Foundation’s dedicated staff demonstrated steadfast commitment to our mission – to protect, empower, and support the recovery of survivors of violence and those at risk across Kurdistan.

Annual Report 2020

Throughout 2020, SEED worked to protect, empower, and support the recovery and reintegration of some of the most vulnerable individuals and communities in the Kurdistan Region, including survivors of conflict, trafficking, and gender-based violence (GBV). Responding to emergencies and long-term needs, we supported refugees, internally displaced persons, host community members, and migrant workers across Kurdistan.