World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

2023-07-30T16:57:49+00:00July 30th, 2023|Human Trafficking, News|

کوردی World Day Against Trafficking in Persons Today, with an estimated 27.6 million victims around the world at any given time, no country is free from human trafficking Erbil, Iraq - July 30, 2023: On the occasion of World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, SEED Foundation, together with the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) [...]

SEED calls on the Government of Iraq to bolster protections against the worst forms of child labor

2023-06-21T12:46:58+00:00June 12th, 2023|Children Affected by Violence, News|

عربي SEED calls on the Government of Iraq to bolster protections against the worst forms of child labor  Erbil, Iraq - June 12, 2023: On the occasion of World Day Against Child Labor, SEED Foundation applauds the Government of Iraq’s endeavors to develop its first Child Protection Law, and emphasizes the critical importance [...]

Statement on the Evidentiary Requirements Under the Yezidi Survivors’ Law

2023-06-21T12:48:50+00:00May 14th, 2023|News, Reintegration|

عربي Statement on the Evidentiary Requirements Under the Yezidi Survivors’ Law  Erbil, Iraq - May 14, 2023: Despite the enactment of the Yezidi Survivors’ Law, a highly acclaimed framework designed to provide reparations for survivors of the ISIS conflict in Iraq, thousands remain unable to access promised benefits due to a new requirement which, [...]

Digital Transformation in the KRI

2023-07-05T12:11:16+00:00April 26th, 2023|In the Media, In The Media - Homepage, TFGBV|

Digital Transformation in the KRI Panelists: -Mothanna Gharaibeh - CEO, the Fifth for Advisory Services, former Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, JordanSherri Kraham Talabany - President and Executive Director of SEED foundationMustafa Dawood – Executive Director at the Station Foundation for EntrepreneurshipModerator: Alexander Farley, Senior Associate, Wilson CenterCo-organizers: Wilson Center & Rudaw Research [...]

SEED calls on Baghdad to protect Yezidi survivors

2023-04-26T09:30:27+00:00April 26th, 2023|In the Media, In The Media - Homepage|

SEED calls on Baghdad to protect Yezidi survivors ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – The SEED Foundation, based in Erbil, on Wednesday called on the Iraqi government to honor their obligations to protect and serve Yezidi survivors by addressing barriers to reparations and ensuring that long-awaited benefits can be successfully delivered to those in need. More [...]

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